> Pearmock

Building Pearmock

Why did we build it?

Product management is a role where one needs to collaborate with cross-functional teams to move towards a unified goal. Product managers are often the only one at their level, unlike software engineers and designers who work in teams. Due to this, loneliness and feeling inferior is a common scenario.

Product management thought leaders who want to genuinely help and mentor often spend hours building their distribution. There is no single place exclusive for product managers like engineers have Github or HackerRank.

We started building Pearmock to solve these problems. We conceptualised a platform where the users can easily network among product managers and can grow in their product management journey.

1 Million+

Product managers are there in the world

We decided to have a purpose driven community product for product managers instead of building a generic group of people where they message each other. We decided to start with building a platform where people can seamlessly book mock interviews and gain points for successfully completing them. It took us 30 days to build the first version of Pearmock. Following are some under the hood images.

User flows for the first version of Pearmock with peer-to-peer mock interviews

User flows for the first version of Pearmock with peer-to-peer mock interviews

Video of the Pearmock platform

Solving for match making

We wanted to ensure that in a peer-to-peer mock interview environment, the experience gap between two peers is not very wide and they are able to exchange meaningful feedback with each other. To solve for this, we implemented Pearmock Levels.

Pearmock has five levels - Budding Pear, Green Pear, Ripening Pear, Golden Pear and Pearfect. We have built the system such that you are only allowed to match with (L+1) to (1) levels where L is your level. For example, if you are a Green Pear, you can match with a Ripening Pear or a Green Pear or a Budding Pear.

Budding Pear

Green Pear

Ripening Pear

Golden Pear


We have also linked the Pearmock interview events directly with Google Calendar so that each time a user joins your mock interview session, you automatically get an event invite on your Google Calendar. This makes it easy to manage your mock interviews especially when you are taking multiple interviews in a week.

Way forward

Today, we have an active user base of 300+ users from more than 10 countries. As we continue to grow, we plan to onboard exclusive mentors - Product Pros - who will help the community with their product management questions. We also plan to conduct events and workshops where we invite the Pros to share their knowledge and experiences with the Pearmock community.